(This policy may be updated when necessary check before events)

Purpose of the Policy

The E.B.A is a drug free association and recognises their need to provide a safe and healthy
environment for players and supporters alike. The establishment of a drug-free tournament policy is consistent with the E.B.A’s desire to promote a safe and enjoyable environment.

Drug Use and Possession Prohibited.

The E.B.A prohibits the use, possession, sale or distribution of illegal/controlled substances
and or drug related paraphernalia on the tournament premises whilst competing or during
the tournament hours. If a player attends any tournament under the influence of drugs, the
player will be disciplined in accordance to the policy up to and including a lifetime ban.

For the purposes of this policy, the term “tournament premises” includes all venues used for
competition including but not limited to offices, facilities, parking areas, land and buildings.

The substances prohibited by this policy include such items as: any illegal drugs or controlled
substances; “designer” or synthetic drugs; “over the counter” or prescription medications
not being used for the purposes or manner intended and mood or mind-altering substances.

Compliance with this policy will be required by the E.B.A as a condition of and continued

Testing of Players/Members

The E.B.A may request current members/players to submit to a drug substance test in
certain circumstances, including:

When a players conduct, actions or behaviour reasonably leads the tournament
officials to suspect that the player may be using or under the influence of drugs
whilst representing the E.B.A or on the tournament premises.

When a player has a prohibited substance in his or her possession while representing the E.B.A or on tournament premises.
The E.B.A request for random testing for a proportion of players attending any

A member who has tested positive on a previous test and is returning from a ban will be re-
tested by the E.B.A upon their return and at periodic intervals for the subsequent 12
months. If a member tests positive on any re-test or refuses to submit to a test, the member
may be subject to disciplinary procedures.

A member’s refusal to submit to a requested test may be considered to justify discipline and
treated in the same manner as a positive test result.

Use of Prescription Drugs

Certain legal and prescription drugs can produce changes in a person that might indicate illegal drug use and could result in a non-negative substance abuse screening test. Therefore, the E.B.A will request information on current prescription medication and if a non-negative result is obtained on the screening test a further laboratory confirmation test may be required if the player wishes to appeal.(if test is confirmed at lab the player will be liable for the cost of said test) If this information 
is not provided and a subsequent confirmation test provides a positive result disciplinary procedures may ensue.

Testing Procedures
The player will be requested to submit to testing and will be informed of the reason for the
request. i.e. random testing or the cause of action that has led to the request.

Players will be required to provide consent for testing on the testing form. The refusal to do
so will be considered a violation of this policy and the player may be subject to disciplinary

On-site screening will be conducted by Randox and E.B.A members are required to co-
operate fully with reasonable procedures and requests from Randox members of staff.
Failure to present for testing will be treated in the same manner as a positive test result.

Each player who is to be tested will be asked by the E.B.A and Randox to provide information
on all legal and prescription medication consumed within the past 30 days. Members who
do not report the use of any such drugs and who subsequently test non-negative on any
screening and positive on the confirmation test may be subject to disciplinary procedures.

Screening test results will be provided by Randox on-site and any non-negative test results
may be submitted for a secondary laboratory confirmation test. Members who test positive
on the laboratory confirmation test which is not consistent with the disclosed prescription
medication will be subject to disciplinary procedures.

Only on appeal a non-negative screening result when a laboratory confirmation test is
required the urine sample is split into an “A” and “B” samples. The “A” sample will be tested
at the laboratory and the “B” sample will be retained for repeat analysis if requested.

Confirmation test results from Randox will be sent to the E.B.A Secretary for review on the
course of action. These test results will be maintained in a confidential manner. A copy of
these results will be provided to the individual tested upon request.

The E.B.A will endeavour to keep the results of any drugs testing confidential. Test results
and any voluntary reports of drug use and prescription medication will not be revealed by
the E.B.A to any persons except those whom need to know because of personnel
administration, disciplinary action or as required by law.

Penalties for Policy Violation and Disciplinary

Failure to comply with the provisions of this policy will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including a lifetime ban. Once a positive test result has been confirmed and a review with the course of action decided as disciplinary the following will be applicable

Upon a first confirmed positive result or policy violation the member will be subject to a 12
month ban from the E.B.A including the next 2 events and the member will be target tested
upon return to the E.B.A and periodically for the subsequent 12 months.

If a second confirmed positive test result or policy violation is provided a further 24 month
ban from the E.B.A and the member will be target tested upon return to the E.B.A and
periodically for the subsequent 12 months.

A subsequent third positive test result or policy violation will result in a lifetime ban from the

Most Commonly Abused Drugs

Amphetamines, Methamphetamines, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Buprenorphine, Cannabis, K2/Spice, EDDP, PCP, MDMA, Cocaine, Ketamine, Methadone and Opiates. The testing will indicate negative and non-negative samples for the above. 

For further information please consult the disciplinary policy procedures for the E.B.A.
For further clarification on any matter contained in this policy please consult the EBA Drugs Office, Suzy Smith at
petensuzanne@sky.com who will answer all reasonable questions.

Suzanne Smith

EBA Drugs Officer